Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Yesterday T went on an interview, and today he has a job. He works from 8am to 5pm... Monday through Friday. What really sucks about that is the fact that I work Saturdays and Sundays. I have taken March 7th off.. so that will be the next time T and I have a whole day together. I want to take one day a month off.. but because I work 12 hour shifts, it uses up my personal days and vacation days faster. Like I may have 24 personal hours... and that would be 3 personal days for someone who works 8 hour shifts, but for me thats only 2 personal days for the whole year. At least I'm pretty sure that is how it works. I could request to get paid for only 8 hours of the 12, but then my checks would be much smaller (which soon might not matter?).. as for my vaction, I have no idea how much time I have there. I'd like to think at least 4 days worth.. I've been working there for a year and a half, but only 6 months of that was I working full time.. So I just don't know. Anywho... I set my alarm clock for 6am this morning and made T eggs and bacon while he took a shower. I'm pretty sure that made him happy :). After he left I went back to bed until about 10ish? Then I watched some TV, ate oatmeal, cleaned, took a shower and got cute and stuff.... and now it's 4:30.. so I need to kill 30 minutes before I start trying to figure out what in the world to make for dinner. We don't have much.. I'm tempted to tell T to just bring home some Mcdonalds... but we only have 20$ in our account, and it looks like I wont be able to get my money until Friday morning, if my friend agrees to take me. She isn't much of a morning person so I promised her a little gas money and starbucks. Hopefully that'll make her want to take me! I'll figure out something to eat, thanks to my mom!


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