Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm bored. and I've been reading random sites for submissives. Kinda like T's version of slate but just for submissives, I guess. And I'm reading currently about if my Doms abusive!! Lol. So I didn't feel like just reading all the questions so I'm going to read and answer them here :O. Lets see if I'm being abused! :)

Does he reject your right to decide if you'll use birth control? no
Does he reject your right to decide whether to work at a paid job? no but don't some submissives let their Doms choose whether they work? Idk why that would be a sign of abuse
Does he refuse to let you spend time alone? no i get too much time alone i think lol
Is he upset you have other friends? no but he doesnt some of dem
Is he displeased at your accomplishments and ambitions? no lol
Does he have trouble accepting the fact that women can and should be wise, worldly, confident, strong, decisive and independent as men? no
Does he refuse to talk and listen? he talks a lot a alot a lot and he listens to me
Does he hide from you the fact that his feelings are hurt? no
Does he think its bad for men to show they are weak or vulnerable and to cry sometimes - aside from after he has abused you? no? lol
Is he unable to express affection aside from the times he's sorry for abusing you and when he wants, or you are having sex? he gives me lots of affection
Are there some special traits about women's ability to express emotions, willingness to be vulnerable, that he admires ? idk??
Does he dislike or degrade his mother or sister? no sista and he doesnt like his momma
Does he lack good friends? he doesnt have a lot of friends but im pretty sure the reasons are 1.) if he is single he isnt concerned about having friends, hes lookin for a girl and obv. those generally dont end in friendship 2.) he is with me or at work a lot and i dont see him wanting to go out and make a bunch of friends on his only days off a week 3.) he isnt from here so he doesnt have like friends from hs or anything
Does he lack interests besides you? no he needs to be interested in me moreeeee sometimes
When angry, does he break or throw things? no
Does he lose his temper over small things, especially when he doesn't perform as well as he would like? performing not well at things pisses him off yeah
Does he ask you about other men in your past life? no lol but there isnt noneeeeee
does he want to know where you have been when you have been out? not really he knows because i tell him almost my day to day everything but he isnt like who what where when why ever
Does he believe husbands should make the important decisions? idk?
Does he reject your opinion? no
Does he think there are any circumstances in which it is okay for a man to hit a woman? yeah, like punishments
Is he jealous of your friends or relatives? no lolol
Does he think you are with another man when you are not home when he calls? no
Does he think men should earn more than women in the same job? no i think he thinks that people who do better should be paid more
Does he especially want baby boys and associates fathering boys with masculinity? idk??? i want boys does that mean something?
Does he think you have enough education even though you want to go to school? no
Does he get angry if meals are late, or food isn't just right? no
Does he take over when you are having trouble doing something whether you want to or not? no
When he is hurt, does he act angry instead? no
Does he silently sulk when angry? idk i suppose sometimes since he doesnt always let me know his feelings
Does he ridicule you for being stupid, or for characteristics that are typical of women? um i know he knows i have my dumb moments
Do you like yourself less than usual when you have been with him? no
Has he spent time in jail? no
Was he abused as a child? yeah.
Does he sometimes put you on a pedestal, saying he doesn't deserve you? no
Are there some qualities you especially like about yourself that he disapproves of or ridicules? no
When you have acted independently, has he called you a "woman libber" or "dyke"? no
Has he been in fist fights or hit other women he's been involved with? idk consentually, im sure... idk other wise
Has he ignored your feelings? he has before yeah
Has he continually criticized you, called you names, or shouted at you? mmmmyeah he calls his slut and whore mmmmm
Has he ridiculed or insulted your religion, race, heritage, or class? no
Has he withheld approval, appreciation, or affection as punishment? no
Does he insult your friends and family? friends and family, sometimes but he knows what they like sooo yaaaaah
Does he humiliate you in private or public? in private yes ;) public no
Does he refuse to socialize with you? no
Does he try to keep you from working? i wish he would i hate my job lol but i love my patients and taking care of them
Does he try to control your money? omg yesssssss
Does he try to make all the decisions? not ALL of them
Does he make excuses for not working? no
Is it all right to spend your money but not his? no i spend his monaaaay.
Does his punishment of children seem excessive? ive never seen him punish a kid but hes pretty level headed about shit like that
Does he tell you about past affairs? whats that mean? like past things he has done? or like past cheating? cuz he USE to talk about things he has done in the past that i personally wouldnt share with others and ive talked to people about it and they say they wouldnt either because personal things you do with other people are suppose to be between you and that person.. but i think hes figured out i dont really care about what hes done and sort of disapprove of his actions when it comes to relationships and how quickly he does things which sorta of makes me feel like he doesn't value parts of relationships cuz he gets to them and moves on from them so fast. idk he knows to keep his dirty thoughts about exs and things he has done to himself now.
Is he abusive to pets? no
Does he tell anti-woman jokes or make demeaning remarks about women? no
Does he treat women as sex objects? mmmm sometimes he treats me that way ;) not nearly enough though
Does he get jealous and assume you would have sex with anyone? no
Has he publicly shown sexual interest in other women? no
Does he call you names like "whore" or "frigid"? yes he calls me a whore a lotttttttt
Has he had affairs after agreeing to a monogamous relationship? no
Does he assume the right to control how you live and behave? mostly
Do you rehearse what you will say so as not to make him angry? i rehearse everything im going to say to everyone just because im a planner and like to plan things out
Does he bewilder you by switching from charm to rage without warning? no
Do you often feel confused, off balance or inadequate with him? no
Does he blame you for everything that goes wrong? no
Do you fear his reactions? no

so I think you're suppose to say No to all of these. Which I oviously said yes to some... lol but some don't make sense to say no to if you're in a D/s relationship... helllooo... ??? Anyway. I think it's safe to say that I'm not in a horrible bad abusive relationship!


lol ok. im going to go shower now.


Mitten from Smitten said...

The reason that they are asking if he keeps you from work is because often violent and abusive men will keep their wife/girlfriend from having access to an income of their own and therefore they cannot leave at will. They force their w/g to be completely dependent on them for everything... it's just another form of control.

The scary thing? I can say yes to almost everything on that list with the exception of a couple of things about my ex and yeah, he was REALLY abusive.

Mitten from Smitten said...

Oh, and I can be found at this is my vanilla profile ;)