Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm SUPPOSE to start my period today, but this stupid birth control makes me play the guessing game more then... well.. not being on birth control. Lol. Anyway! T's working till 9pm :( I'm sad. I miss him! And I want some sex... some AMAZZZZZING sex.. I mean, we've been having good sex.. But I want amazzzzzing sex... I guess I mean I want MORE then just sex. I want dirty, nasty, yummy sex. Argggggggh and I'm not going to get it tonight! T will be too tired, fuck. I probably really won't get it till waay next week when I finally have a saturday off and T and I have the whole day together.

I think the issue with the constant feeling of not being used enough and blahdeblah is T doesn't know what I want. Like he does... but okay? He knows and doesn't do it.. so now what.. it's frustrating.. He pretty much told me everything I like.. first he is like.. you like this.. wait no you don't.. oh yeah you do.. so I guess there is some confusion but it's not like he couldnt TRY something and see how I react? Hello dominant?? (yeah I'm getting mouthy I'm friggen horny and alone and not gettin shit tonight thanks to his stupid job keeping him late.. plus this blog is for my bitching, so I don't bitch at T mmmkay I'm bad at expressing myself) It's not like he hasn't done what I like before.. god damn... did I act freaked out like I didn't want it? Noooo.. so do it fucking again, helllooooo??? But I'm thinking it's not REALLY something he needs to get off.. so screw me I guess... Eh.. I know that isn't exactly how T feels but christ right now I'm horny and I know I'm going to get stuck sucking dick and thats it tonight. I should be *happy* to please him.. and I AM! But I'M HORNY GAAAAAAAAAHHHH. I want dirty nasty slutty hardcore sex and I fucking want it now!!!!!! I don't want to just bend over and wam bam we're done do some fucking shit to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee already!

ANYWHO. I've now annoyed myself. 1 more hour till T is home. One more one more one more... I'm thinking about doing a quick straightening up and shower.. should kill the hour and 36 minutes I have till he is home.


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