Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Argh, Waterrr!

I don't understand why T can't fill the water pitcher back up when it empties. LALALALA. Little things like that drive me nuts! Lol. I'm not mad about it or anything, but it's just nice to do... like putting the toliot paper on the roll thing when it's out. T doesn't do that either!

One of the nurses I work with never fills her water pitcher back up. Most of the patients have to take their medicines crushed in apple sauce and she gives them a cup of water with it. Well when her pitcher runs out of water, she just gives them their med's with out the water. It just seems mean, like that's gross.. warm apple sauce thats sat on her cart all day and meds.. and no water?? I've filled it up a few times. rawr. ts home bye lol

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