Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I read this article on WebMD.com: http://www.oprah.com/article/omagazine/omag_200610_fight/1

and it's about a husband and a wife. The husband said he would do the dishes.. but after doing his and his wifes taxes and cleaning the basement he went to sleep instead of doing the dishes. Mia, his wife, was more or less pissed and started bitching about it. The point of the article was to teach people how to argue.. better. You know.. calm down.. talk.. listen.. etc. This article honestly just annoyed me. All the husband really did in the end was camly explain all that he did the night before as an excuse as to why he didn't do the dishes, and then listened to his wife list out everything that she has to do in her daily life and he acted sympathetic (like he didn't know before she said it all the things she had to do???). And that was suppose to make it all better? It seems more like he tricked his wife into thinking everything was just fine and that he totally understood how hard her life was.. well.. thats really nice but, um, the dishes still aren't done! Maybe I'm just focusing on the wrong part of the article.. but personally... if he wasn't going to do the dishes when he told his wife he would. He should have called and told her he wasn't going to and tell her when he was going to (he should obviously know his wife coming home to dirty dishes when he said he would do them would upset her, unless he is just a total tool), and she probably would have been understanding, maybe even had done them herself, and the fight wouldn't even have happened in the first place. I don't know. When people say they are going to do something, it just makes me really mad (plus I think I really need a smoke I left them in T's car) when people don't follow through or at least let you know they aren't going to do it when they do it. Maybe I'm being a hypocrite? I don't really think that I am. I generally do try and do what I say I am unless someone doesn't do as they promised me, and then I'm like screw it. I'm sure that's not that best way to look at things, and I'm trying not to be like that as much. Anyway, I guess his tips on how to argue better were good, but the situation wasn't. Just thinking.


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